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Comparing the Performance of Lens Geometries

Comparing the Performance of Lens Geometries


Comparing the Performance of Lens Geometries

Manufacturing tolerances can contribute to performance degradation, but optical aberrations affect nominal performance even for perfectly manufactured lenses. Since aberrations can dramatically affect spot size and image quality, deciding which lens is best for your application is not always straightforward.

Join us for a 30-minute webinar on January 26, 2023, presented by Edmund Optics' experts Ian Schwartz and Oliva Fehlberg to learn how lens geometry affects the optical performance of your application.

At the conclusion of the webinar, participants will have a strong understanding of:

  • The key impacts of geometry on application-specific optical performance
  • The terminologies and testing parameters for optical lenses
  • Choosing the right lenses for your application requirements
Boris Lange
Ian Schwartz
Product Line Engineer

Ian is a Product Line Engineer at Edmund Optics in Cherry Hill, NJ, USA. He joined Edmund Optics in 2021 and has spent time developing standard product for the Precision Optics Business Line, including spherical, achromatic, and aspheric lenses. Ian received a B.S. degree in Mathematics & Physics from Temple University in 2018 and an M.S. degree in Physics, with a concentration in Optics Instrumentation, from Stony Brook University in 2021.

Boris Lange
Olivia Fehlberg
Design Engineer

Olivia is a Design Engineer at Edmund Optics in Tucson, AZ, USA where she does optical and mechanical design. She is a current chair of the Early Career and Students subcommittee for the International Society of Optics and Photonics (SPIE) and is also involved in mentoring young engineers at both the University of Arizona and Optica (formerly OSA). Olivia is passionate about diversity, equity & inclusion in tech industries and inspiring the next generation in STEM. She holds a B.S. in Optical Engineering from the University of Arizona.


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Technical Resources

    Application Notes

Application Notes

Technical information and application examples including theoretical explanations, equations, graphical illustrations, and much more.

Understanding Optical Lens Geometries

Lens Geometry Performance Comparison


Comparison of Optical Aberrations

The Benefits of Color-Corrected Optical Lenses

All About Aspheric Lenses

Tips for Designing Manufacturable Lenses and Assemblies


Informative corporate or instructional videos ranging from simple tips to application-based demonstrations of product advantages.

How an Aspheric Lens is Made

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