- Lenses Optimized for use with Lasers, featuring Higher Precision Substrates and V-Coat Laser Line AR Coatings

- Lenses Optimized to Reduce Spherical Aberation with High Laser Damage Threshold (LDT) Anti-Reflection (AR) Coatings

- Lenses Designed for One-Dimensional Shaping of a Laser Beam to Correct Asymmetric Beams, Generate Light Sheets, and More

- Lens Assemblies Optimized for Reducing Spherical Aberration of Various Laser Wavelengths Simultaneously

- Specalized Lenses, Including Fast Axis Collimators (FAC), Slow Axis Collimates (SAC), Powell Lenses, Microlens Arrays, and More
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Copyright 2023, 에드몬드옵틱스코리아 사업자 등록번호: 110-81-74657 | 대표이사: 앙텍하우 | 통신판매업 신고번호: 제 2022-서울마포-0965호, 서울특별시 마포구 월드컵북로 21, 7층 (서교동 풍성빌딩)