Apply for the Edmund Optics Ultrafast Educational Award - Step 2 of 2
Briefly explain the ultrafast project you are submitting for this award. Previous work, citations and or experimental layout are encouraged. (30 words) Discuss the optical components involved in your project including the optics used and the role of ultrafast optics in your research. (30 words) What is the extraordinary and new part of the project and what problem, challenge, trend, or innovation does your project address? (150 words) Norman Edmund Award (Optional) Explain how your research project inspires others to pursue a career in optics or optical research. (150 words or less) Are you planning to commercialize the product that comes out of your research project? Edmund Optics가 시상하는 상을 수상하게 될 경우 관심이 있는 제품 유형을 선택하십시오.
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