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Hot & Cold: Athermalization Ruggedization

Hot & Cold: Athermalization Ruggedization


Hot & Cold: Athermalization Ruggedization

As imaging lenses for machine vision become used in ever more demanding and unforgiving environments, the number of types of ruggedization for applications within specialized environments continues to increase. Athermalization is a ruggedization for applications in extreme or changing temperatures.

Join us for a 30-minute webinar presented by Edmund Optics' experts Nick Sischka and Boris Lange to learn about how athermalization protects imaging lenses from extreme temperature environments.

At the conclusion of the webinar, participants will have a strong understanding of:

  • The key impacts of temperature on imaging performance
  • The types and methods of athermalization ruggedization for imaging systems
  • Choosing the right lenses for extreme of changing temperatures
Boris Lange
Boris Lange

Manager of European Sales & Engineering, Imaging Business Unit

Dr. Boris Lange, Manager for Edmund Optics’ Imaging Business Line for Europe. Since joining the company in 2015, Boris has been supporting European customers with technical guidance and application support for Imaging and Machine Vision systems and was actively involved in forming a dedicated European Imaging Team. His previous experience includes developing VIS, NIR, and Raman spectrometers at Polytec. Boris holds a PhD in physics from Mainz University and GSI Helmholtzzentrum for Heavy-Ion Research. His thesis examined coherent EUV light sources generated by high-energy lasers.

Nicholas Sischka
Nicholas Sischka

Imaging Manager, Imaging Business Unit

Nick Sischka is the Imaging Manager at Edmund Optics’ Cherry Hill, NJ, USA office. Specializing in optics for vision systems, Nick supports imaging and machine vision customers with application knowledge and design assistance for modification or customization requirements. Additionally, Nick serves as the A3 (Association for Advancing Automation) NextGen Chair and teaches on the A3 Education Committee. He holds a B.S in Optical Sciences and Engineering from the University of Arizona.


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Technical Resources and Related Products

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    Application Notes
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Related Products

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Athermal Imaging Lenses 

Application Notes

Technical information and application examples including theoretical explanations, equations, graphical illustrations, and much more.

Ruggedization of Imaging Lenses

Thermal Properties of Optical Substrates

An Introduction to Passive Athermalization

Best Practices for Better Imaging

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Technical Calculators

Technical calculators based on commonly used and referenced equations in the Optics, Imaging and Photonics industries.

Imaging Lens Selector 

Imaging System Parameter Calculator 

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