The EO GigE cameras are equipped with a host of features to make machine vision easy. Included with each camera is a software interface that allows users to set a specified Area of interest (AOI), gain, exposure time, frame rate, trigger delay and even digital output (flash) delay and duration. Users can set the exposure, gain and white balance to a specified level or allow the camera to adjust these parameters automatically. The camera software allows capturing of still images in JPEG and Bitmap file format or video in AVI format. In addition, the software can perform edge enhancement, image mirroring and image binning, in the vertical and horizontal directions, as well as hot pixel correction. Direct Show (WDM), ActiveX and TWAIN drivers as well as SDK documentation are included.
Note: Power supply is required for operation and sold separately. For compatible power supply and tripod mount adapter see in each camera’s specification. GigE cables (required for operation) and capture cards also available. Drivers and manuals available for download.
해당 제품은 소프트웨어 개발 및 통합이 용이하도록 GeniCam 및 GigE Vision 규정을 준수하는 IDS Imaging의 Peak SDK Platform을 사용합니다. CP 제품의 크기는 업계 표준에 해당하는 29mm x 29mm x 29mm로 거의 모든 어플리케이션에 사용할 수 있습니다. SE 제품은 하우징 크기가 34mm x 44mm x 47mm로 더 커서 열관리가 더 잘되고 소음이나 열에 민감한 어플리케이션에 적합합니다. 또한, 트리거 및 플래시 기능을 위해 나사가 달린 8핀 Hirose 커넥터와 2개의 GPIO가 있습니다. 해당 제품은 공장 자동화, 자동차, 의료 기술, 물류 등 여러 어플리케이션에 적합합니다.
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